Project Design and Management
Social justice is not a spectator sport. It is a proactive process for exposing, confronting and resolving inequities of any kind. That’s why Forth Dawn doesn’t stop at evaluating your social justice needs; we also work hand-in-hand with you to design and launch social justice events and projects aimed at leveraging your organizational strengths to address specific issues of inequality. These projects allow you to put your principles into practice and demonstrate your social justice commitments to your community, customers, employees, and stakeholders.

For example, a community bank might sponsor a social justice themed exhibit featuring a group of culturally diverse entrepreneurs who benefited from minority loan programs. Or a local tech company might organize a social media takeover inviting employees to share civic engagement experiences, opportunities and events. Likewise, a community hospital might sponsor a series of activities dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes for transgender individuals.
Working with you and your teams, we will bring in experienced project managers and event planners to design programs that are on-brand, authentic, and complementary to your organizational goals. Most importantly, your project will make a real difference for the diverse communities that you’re passionate about serving.